An American photographer, Irving Penn, once said that what people hide behind their masks during a photographic session is usually more interesting than they themselves believe.
So Penn worked with his models slowly and kindly, patiently coaxing out their inner qualities and complexities, and creating amazing portraits in the process.
But I do not have the same luxury of time that he had, so I rush my models to open up as soon as I look at them through my lens.
I believe that their hiding is mainly to do with shyness and insecurity when faced with an intimidating photographer, whose face is hidden behind a camera probing into their soul with a glass eye of a lens.
It is not a welcoming atmosphere, isn’t it?
I believe that the secrets, which are dwelling in their eyes, are positive and powerful, that their faces project personalities, which are fascinating.
So I take the mask off and extend my hand to my models while taking portraits.
It is just a simple as that.
After all we want to trust others – it is a profoundly human desire and need. Once we do, we become open and true to our characters.